Boost Your Physical Therapy Practice’s Margins with Optima Billing Services

Like many physical therapy practices, your margins may have shrunk due to declining reimbursements, treatment limits, and complex pre-authorization requirements. It’s challenging to keep your doors open under these conditions. You can’t risk your practice’s cash flow on just any biller; you need a partner who understands your business and ensures prompt payment.

Get Fast Reimbursement with Optima Billing!

Optima Billing stands out by processing your claims swiftly and accurately. Each physical therapy service involves multiple CPT codes with varying reimbursement rates. We handle your superbills with precision, not just by pushing a button and hoping for the best.

Unlike most billing companies that prioritize volume over service, we focus on your needs. Our experienced team ensures no claim slips through the cracks. We understand that even a small difference in reimbursement can significantly impact your practice, especially during challenging times like COVID lockdowns.

Since we charge a percentage of cash collected, not billed, we only get paid when you do. We diligently work with payers, whether it’s Medicare, Medicaid, or private insurance, to secure the results you need.

Start Strong with Optima Billing

Since we don’t require complicated setups or proprietary software, we can work with your existing EMR or provide one for you. Optima Billing integrates seamlessly with your current policies and procedures, saving you time on training and implementation. You will always have access to your data and maintain control.

Optima works for you, not the other way around! Our compatible EMRs include, but are not limited to, WebPT, TheraOffice, Clinicient, Practice Pro, MWTherapy, and Kareo.

Top-Tier Customer Service

Our team operates from our office outside Boston, MA; we don’t outsource your billing or rely on remote billers. Your practice gets a dedicated biller available when you need them. You have a business to run, so you deserve timely and effective support.

Ask us tough questions – we have the answers!

Act Now!

Call or email us to discuss your practice’s needs. Whether you’re a solo provider or manage a large physical therapy practice, we offer the same respect and dedication to all clients. Stop worrying about unpredictable cash flow and experience the Optima Billing difference today! Contact us now